Case Studies

A study tour cannot take place without funding. In addition to the contribution of the participants and allowances, the participants have to do a Case Study. A Case Study is an (research) assignment for a company. One or two students work for a period of three weeks for the company. Those students are selected on their skills and motivation, so the commissioning company can expect a result at academic level. A professor will keep an eye on the students and gives them advice if necessary.

A Case Study is a good opportunity for companies to get a piece of work done for which the company itself lacks either time or expertise, at relative low costs. A Case Study also brings senior students in close contact to the company and is a great opportunity to show the company's activities to the students.

Currently we are working succesfully for NAM, UOCG (University of Groningen), ProGamma, SKF, UB (Library of the University of Groningen), OCE and XPAR Vision.

To get an idea of what kind of Case Studies can be done, you can browse through the Case Reports of previous study tours:

If you would like to have more information about Case Studies or if you can help us finding a Case Study for our participants, please fill in our Request information form. It is also possible to send us an e-mail.






University of Groningen - Study Tour into Asian Research and Science 2005