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Named after the impressive Iguazú falls, situated at the point where the Parana river flows from Brazil into Argentina, the committee Iguazú organized a scientific and cultural excursion to both of these Latin American countries. The tour was participated by 25 students and two members of scientific staff, all from the University of Groningen. It took place between April 15th and May 8th 2009. A first impression of the excursion can be found in the diary (in Dutch) under 'Dagboek'. The complete Final Report of the Igauzú '09 Scientific Excursion to Argentina and Brazil can be found here in pdf-format.

The study tour was organized by a committee under the foundation Grote Buitenlandse Excursie(s)-FMF (GBE-FMF). This foundation is tightly linked to the Fysisch-Mathematische Faculteitsvereniging (FMF), a student association for students in (Applied) Mathematics, Computing Science, (Applied) Physics, Astronomy and Biomedical Technology at the University of Groningen. The main purpose of the foundation GBE-FMF is to organize study tours for members of the FMF to a different continent every two years, to let them learn about research and science around the globe. Earlier studytours by the foundation GBE-FMF: