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Cookaβurra '11 is monitored by the board of the Foundation GBE-FMF. They have experience from previous years and make the final decision whether the study trip is continued or canceled. The Board of Recommendation commends the committee.


The name of this study trip to Australia was derived from the Kookaburra, mascot of Queensland and a remarkable bird because of its laughter resembling human laughter. The adventurer and explorer captain Cook gladly lent the first and capital letter of his name.


Committee Cookaβurra '11 consists of the following people:

Monique Ankoné
Jelle Blijleven
Business Relations
Martine Schroor
Excursion Programme
Kim van Oost
Business Relations
Keri Vos
Photo of Commission Cookaβurra '11

Cookaβurra; from left to right: Monique, Jelle, Keri, Martine and Kim.

Board of Recommendation

Cookaβurra '11 is recommended by the following board:

Mayor of the Municipality of Groningen
Mr.dr. J.P. Rehwinkel
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Prof.dr. J. Knoester
Director of the Kernfyisch Versneller Instituut
Prof.dr. K.H.K.J. Jungmann
President-Director of Shell Nederland
Drs. P. de Wit
Rector Magnificus of the University of Groningen
Prof.dr. F. Zwarts
Ambassador of Australia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands
H E Ms L. Morton
Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Australia
Mr. C.W. Andreae

Board of the Foundation GBE-FMF

The following people are in the Board of Foundation GBE-FMF:

Samuel Hoekman Turkesteen
Ivar Postma
Martien Scheepens
General member
Willem Kuipers
General member
Erik Duisterwinkel
General member
Corine Meinema
General member
Hidde-Jan Jongsma