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Partner information

To be able to make this trip a success, we'd like to cooperate with various companies and organisation. For example, this can be done by facilitating a case study for one (or more) of our participants. More information about other ways of cooperating can be sent to you on request, make sure to leave a message below!

Case study

To help financing our trip, each participant will do a case study. Such a case study can be seen as a short internship and can include statistical analysis, a literature study, designing a database, performing measurements, etc! On request of a student, the case study may also be combined with a Bachelor's or Master's thesis.


The participants are all highly motivated students from (Applied) Mathematics, (Applied) Physics and Astronomy and will have completed at least 120ECTS so far, which in practice means that they are at least 3rd year Bachelor's students. In coordination with you we will make sure to link the most eligible student to each case study.

Your company/organization

This is an excellent opportunity to use skilled and motivated students to undertake tasks that would otherwise not be fulfilled, or outsourced to expensive companies. One student will work for 120 hours on the project, after which a description of the case study is published in the final report and your company/organization will be mentioned on this page as well. This is therefore also a very effective way for other students to learn about your company.

More information

To get more information about such a case study, or if you're interested in facilitating such a case study, make sure to send an email to!


Our partners

The following partners already help us out tremendously!